Friday, 30 August 2013

Freedom Festival, Big Wheels and Gigs!!

So Festivals Are Over For This Year...

Katie had an amazing time at Leeds, despite the mud bath!
She saw Swim Deep and Tame Impala along with a few other of our favourites! Sarah and I, are SSoooooo Jealouss!!!
The videos of Katie and Carl on the big wheel are brilliant! So so funny!

Towards the end of the year The Weeks, Crystal Fighters, Swim Deep, HAIM are all touring!! I have a feeling I've forgotten someone! Hey Ho! So us Bowes girls, including Karma, are hoping to go to some! We're all off on little ventures over the next few weeks too. I'm going to York next weekend, Sarah is going to Brighton in a few weeks and Katie is going to London! All having nice little breaks with the boys!





We're well into our A/W collection, I have been putting together some lovely knitted jersey dresses which will look lovely with a chunky cardigan and tights or boots and a big denim jacket! We have FINALLYY got some children's tops on the way too! So those that have been waiting will be happy!
We sent the first one to Australia to my family! It was a big big order and it's our second parcel to go over there whhooo!

We are also at Freedom Festival in Hull on the 7th and 8th September!
That will be Sarah and Katie with you all, enjoying the music and food again! Just like Humber Street Sesh but a lot, lot bigger!!

So roll on  the next few months, hard work and road trips ahead!

Oh and boys with long hair, especially Kevin.

Our walls in the new studio will be covered in pictures of Gosling, Cats and Long Haired Bands. Fact.

Night People! Hope you enjoyed the ramble!
xxx Amy xxx

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

New Studio, Threads and Festivals!

Amy here!

This week, it seems us three girls are a little run down! I was at V Festival at the weekend, AMAZING I will say, but it's left me feeling a bit alien!

BUT SO WHAT I SAW KINGS OF LEON AND BEYONCE! Sarah and Katie had a night out on Saturday, so we've all blown off a little bit of steam! This being said, this week is a bit of a chilled out one for us, as we're on top of our new A/W pieces, ready for TopShop!
We'll see how long that lasts though ;) 

Katie started working on some new print designs yesterday, not for t-shirts this time, something a little different including embellishments, cats and skulls.
We've also got some Bowes Threads hats coming, with our logo patched onto them! Looking forward to getting one myself! Me and  Sarah are starting pattern cutting on the new dresses too.

Our NEW studio is coming along quite well, the men have been hard at work!! We can't wait to be working in there and to be out of the loft, we'll be no longer banging our heads every five minutes! We'll have so much more space and everything will be in one place! 
I'm voting that we have a cork wall for Ryan Gosling, Kings Of Leon and The Weeks photos... Just saying.

Beautiful Man.

Anyway, Katie is off to Leeds Fest on Sunday, so jealous! Her friends, SKATERS, are playing. Which I'm sure will be amazing, people should check them out. But she also gets to see Tame Impala!! JEAALOOUUUSSSSSS!!! Sarah is driving there on Thursday but that's only to take Karma! Someone should donate two tickets for her.

I also saw someone in one of our Pattie Butty T-shirts! Whooo!!

Well time to get my arse in gear and get ready to work!


Thursday, 8 August 2013

New Bowes Threads Logo T-shirts!

New Bowes Threads Logo Tees now LIVE on the website!!
Love These!!

We have worked really hard on getting these out, all tees are dyed and printed by hand! They are also available in White, Black and Red!
Sizing info and prices are on the website!

They are also available in Topshop, St. Stephens, Hull! More to follow with our new Autumn Winter collection! Can't Wait!

Song For The Week!

 These guys! Swwoooonnn!

The Weeks - The House We Grew Up In

Roll On October!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

New Tshirts! Short and Sweet :)

New Colours for Autumn Winter!! They're up on the website now! 

Just a Quickie!

To say we only started up together in January and have come as far as we have, it's surreal! Holding a concession in a major high street store and having a constantly growing following is a dream come true. Many companies take years to get to the position we are in.

We are not only a t-shirt printing company, we are three very hard working ladies from Hull, trying to make a business work when most are failing. We create a handmade, one of a kind clothing range that we put everything into, making sure it is of the best quality! Our skills and aims with the business are ever evolving with time and with the fast pace of the fashion industry. We're proud to say we have taken the risk and jumped in with both feet to make Bowes Threads what it is.
We still have a long way to go but there is nothing stopping us doing what we want and aiming higher! If you don't love what you do, then what's the point!

We are very lucky to get here in such a short space of time and would like to say a big thank you to all of our customers and to those that have supported us. We look to the future with bigger and better dreams.

Onwards and Upwards.

Amy, Sarah and Katie.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

On the Tellyyy!!

We got our Trademark Certificate today!! Whoo!!

But in other news... ;)

Myself and Katie where on the telly!! We were on our local news channel Look North for East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.


We were interviewed and recorded at Bowes Threads HQ, for a piece on the 'Pattie' as it is 125 years old today! If you're from Hull you will know what I am on about ;)

Journalist and Presenter Leanne Brown asked us about our 'Hull Loves' range, why we have made a Pattie Butty tee and our Made In Hull tee! The answer of course is, we are proud to be from Hull and love that we have these unique traits! 

Want to find out more?? Watch the interview here! :) 

HOWEVER! If you DO know what I'm talking about, get your 'Hull Loves' tshirt HERE!!

We hope Sarah is having a nice holiday! :) 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Humber Street Success!!

This weekend was Ace!! 
We had a mad rush on Friday to get everything ready, us Bowes girls do like to leave things to the very last minute!

We were there bright and early Saturday morning, all set up for the day ahead which proved to be ridiculously busy! Me and Katie loved talking to customers, finding out that some of our t-shirts & baby grows were being sent to places around the world, such as Hong Kong and New Zealand, was amazing.

The set up was brilliant and we are proud to have been part of something that is so great for the city! The atmosphere was brilliant, everyone was chilled out, fruity and loving the sun and music! It was great to see everyone come together.
It was by the people, for the people!

We give a massive thanks to the customers that bought something from us! It's great to see the smiles on peoples faces!

If  you missed us, you can get your own Threads at

Amy xxxx

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Song for the Week.

Going to start posting our favourite song from the week! So here is our first one!

If yesterday is anything to go by, there we be a lot more from where this came from...



I wasn't aware it was possible to go over 32 degrees in Birtain!! ; ) If so, I'm wearing a bikini to work because it is going to be one hell of a sweat shop in there!


We are feeling pretty good about how on top with everything we are this week! It is all coming together nicely ready for Humber St. Sesh! We're quite excited, even though me and Katie still cannot decide what to wear! Everything is organised into their own piles and they're only going to get bigger! So I best go get dressed and get myself off to the bus stop!

Have a lovely day people!!